Extinction Rebellion


I devised and led strategy for the @extinctionrebellion Instagram account between Feb 2019 - July 2020, growing the following from 30k to 660k.

I worked with content creators from XR groups across the world to coordinate and create content in line with the following objectives:

  • To humanise activism; breaking down barriers and evoking empathy with Extinction Rebellion activists.

  • To communicate the urgency of the climate and ecological emergency in simple language that would encourage our audience to act now.

  • To give clear direction on how to get involved with non-violent direct action.

Example of the Extinction Rebellion Instagram feed during my time managing the account.
+ 2100% Instagram followers
A gif of carbon monoxide molecules taking over the screen.

An example from a series of GIFs that I briefed and commissioned from activist and illustrator Tolmeia Gregory.

+ 50,000 engagements with our Boycott Black Friday Campaign
A screenshot of a graphic Instagram post reading: 'Antartica records the hottest temperature on record, reaching 20.75C'

An example from a series of news posts that I briefed and commissioned to graphic designer, Poppy Hollis.

Demonstrated skills include:

  • Social media strategy

  • Briefing creatives to produce content

  • Photography and editing

  • Copy-writing

  • Graphic design