Please use my below template to write to The Chancellor of the Exchequer, RT HON Rishi Sunak MP.

Subject: Financial support for the self-employed

Dear Chancellor, 

I am writing to you regarding my concerns for the self-employed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Whilst I welcome your recent economic measures to support those in full-time employment, I am highly concerned that there is still inadequate financial support for the self-employed and those working in the gig-economy.

The rate of Statutory Sick Pay is simply not enough to live on, especially for those with a family to support. Although the government is advising that people stay at home where possible, many freelancers are being left with no choice but to accept work that may put the wider community at risk. 

Whilst I understand that mortgage holidays are an option for property-owners and tenants are protected from eviction for the next three months, what happens at the end of that duration when, after being out of work, those in self-employment are still unable to afford to make payments? 

In the freelance market many individuals are forced to live hand-to-mouth; one slow month of work can result in having to spend the next three months trying to catch up. As things currently stand, many freelancers may be out of work until at least July and are currently being left with no other choice than to live from their tax savings. I appreciate that you have deferred tax return payments for July 2020 until January 2021, however by this time tax return payments for the tax-year 20-21 will then be also due. Not only will this be a double hit, but after having gone so many months without any income and with barely any financial support from the government, when the time arrives many people may not be able to afford to pay.

I am also concerned about migrants who have been living and working in the UK whose visa makes them ineligible for government funds. Like the rest of us these individuals pay taxes and contribute to the British economy, however they are being left without any financial support. 

My request is that you will consider introducing a Universal Basic Income for everyone living in the UK over the age of 16, including migrants and the homeless. Boris Johnson has said the UK is “leading the way” with tackling the COVID-19 pandemic; it is time that our Prime Minister lives up to those words. The majority of people in the UK want to do everything that they can to help protect the vulnerable at this time – please consider my request to help make sure that this is possible. 

The health threat of this pandemic alone is difficult enough for our communities to deal with without the added threat of not being able to afford to afford basic needs such as shelter, energy and food. I believe that with the right financial support our communities will do everything they can to help each other through this difficult time. 

Yours sincerely,